Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Teeth Cleaning ;P

This is my first post, and I tried coming up with something to write about, but my mind went completely blank. So, although the title sounds totally random- I decided to write about my experience today.

First off I usually get my teeth cleaned twice a year at Maidan Clinic. It costs around 40- 60KD I can't really remember. Anyhow, I decided to try somewhere else- Bayan Dental Center. I've been hearing about them a lot lately, from bloggers trying them out, to their new ad, to my Aunt M who is a loyal patient there.

So I asked Dad if he wanted to get his teeth cleaned, too, and he agreed. I called them up at around 3 and got appointments for 7pm which is great- same day, no wait! What caught me off guard was their price. 15KD for teeth cleaning, such a big difference compared to Maidan's prices. I couldn't wait to compare their services.

Although we chose the Sharg location which is surrounded by construction work and detours, it was really easy to find and suprisingly hassle free. I loved the building they were in and checked out what other companies were there to maybe apply for a job there!

Of course if I start talking about Bayan's interior I might never stop. Its so crisp and clean, fresh and very spacious. Minimalist in design yet colorful and full of energy. I really liked it. Too bad it was at night because they had huge glass windows and I'm sure they had a killer view from up there.

The employees were all cheerful, very polite, and professional - I loved that, it makes a huge difference.

I couldn't help but remember haunting flashbacks of my waits at various public clinics or hospitals when I was younger- the smells, the worn out furniture and scraping walls, and the overall filthiness. What an enormous difference, I wish we had places like this back then.

The teeth cleaning itself was a breeze. It passed by so quickly. It wasn't painful at all and I felt so good after it was done. However, it kind of dried out my lips and made them swell a bit- but who would complain about swollen lips.

I noticed a few differences between Bayan and Maidan. I guess Maidan take a bit longer and they have this fluoride type mask that they put on my teeth at the end. But other than that, not a big difference. I would definately go to Bayan for my next trip because of the overall ambiance. The owners have done a great job, it gives you a general feel good mood just by being there.

Bayan Dental Center


  1. you even linked.
    you're just too cool.

  2. Thanks for sharing your experience haneen! I will definitely make a stop at Bayan Dental next week for a clean. and let you know how my experience goes! :)

  3. MQ: Awwh ! Ur so supportive I LOVE YOU ;*

    Di: Great! I know you're going to love it!

  4. 3azezti 7aneno, shar7 momtaaazzZ. Cham 3a6ooch 3ala hal da3aya ;p I would go, bs 3ashan il doctors elmezayeen ely hnak.

  5. Haneen, i went to bayan dental today. like you said very friendly and cheerful staff! sadly though my lips are not swollen, i would have loved to have big swollen lips for a day :P

    the best part was the free valet ;)

    just a tip for next time, go during the day because your right about the killer view. natural light does make a difference!

  6. Amna: Merci, but sadly not paid for this review ;P Ya I've heard about el mezayeen but haven't seen any ;P

    Di: Haha thats wierd I swear my lips were like car tires! I didn't notice the valet though. BTW I was there too today again for a filling, but it was in the evening- again :(
